Be Mistaken...
Be Mistaken...

Be Mistaken with Volante Skincare

Most of the time, when we think of anything that hints of a mistake, we think something must be wrong, or bad. It’s easy to see why when the very definition of a mistake means “to be wrong about.” We are taught from a young age that mistakes are to be avoided, something to be ashamed of, something to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But, what if there were another kind of mistake - a good mistake, as it were?

A mistake you wouldn’t mind happening. One that might even bring a smile to your face. One where it’s a good thing to be mistaken. Mistaken as the mother, not the grandmother. Mistaken as the daughter, not the wife. Mistaken as a younger, healthier, and happier person. We’ve heard it again and again from our loyal customers and fans: VOLANTE Skincare helps them look substantially better than any other skincare brand.

So, is it really possible to get such incredible results from your skincare? It absolutely is possible, and even probable, when your skin is plump, firm, and glowing from the use of VOLANTE Skincare. And with the backup of an independent study of 35 women ages 35-65, we can share that VOLANTE Skincare will get you there faster than any other brand, with results you will see in just five minutes after your first application of product.

So, back to the campaign and how we got here. A couple years ago, I was mistaken for traveling with my father while on a scuba diving trip in the Great Barrier Reef with my older-looking boyfriend. Was I shocked to be referred to as his daughter? Yes. Was I a bit tickled too? Absolutely. The experience left its mark on me and it reinforced for me the benefits of taking good care of my skin. In part because of that experience, I have created a brand that really can help you “be mistaken” in your own life.

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