The Skincare Mistakes You're Probably Making
The Skincare Mistakes You're Probably Making

Skincare mistakes are rampant; however, I’ve never met anyone who sets out to make a skincare mistake.  Most mistakes have minor consequences - maybe a breakout or a little flaking and irritation of the skin - but some mistakes can be more impactful.  One of my girlfriends just made a skincare mistake and it’s caused her to visit a dermatologist several times (costing over $1,000 (not covered by insurance) and to suffer with broken capillaries, scars, and infection.  All from trying a seemingly innocuous exfoliation product recommended to her by her facialist.  

So, how to avoid common skincare mistakes?  First, know your skin type.  I’ve discussed this in previous blogs, and your skin type will inform you of the initial choice when looking at what products to use.  However, it’s not that simple.  You also need to consider whether or not you have any sensitivities to any ingredients in the formula.  The best way to know that is to test a product on your inner forearm or decollete.  You can do this while in a spa or store, or if you order online, most companies have a money-back guarantee for a period of time after you purchase a product.  If a company will not let you return a product, be prepared to spend the money and throw away the product if it does not agree with your skin.  This can add up to a costly mistake, so buyer beware.

Most of us self-identify with having sensitive skin, which adds another layer to selecting a new skincare product.  Watch out for irritating ingredients such as alpha-hydroxy acids, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and mechanical exfoliants such as scrubs and devices.  Sensitive skin can react very badly - and quickly - to these methods and ingredients.  One over-zealous session with a peel, scrub. or device can wreak havoc with your skin and leave a lasting impression, and not in a good way.  My friend that ended up in a doctor’s office only used her new product once, but the aftermath lasted for two months.

My challenge when creating VOLANTE Skincare was to find a new way to care for our skin, one that would be suitable for all skin types.  I first removed all irritating ingredients from my formulas, meaning no irritating ingredients are used in the line.  Then, I had to find a way to exfoliate the skin (the reason many irritating ingredients are used in most skincare lines is to help exfoliate the skin.)  I worked for years to create a (now) patented blend of botanical actives that work to exfoliate and de-age the appearance of skin via anti-irritation pathways.  Every skin type, and especially sensitive skin, can benefit from decreasing irritation.  Just as the internal organs of our bodies do well when we stop irritating them, so too does our skin do well (it thrives, actually) when we fight and neutralize Skinflammation.

So, when choosing a new product, look at the ingredients for clues regarding irritating ingredients and steer away from those that contain acids such as glycolic acid and retinoic acid, and avoid products with beads or scrubs, and use devices with caution.  Unfortunately, merely switching to “natural” or “organic” products does not suffice.  These products can be as or more irritating than “regular” products.  One of the worst burns I sustained on my face was from using an organic serum that contained six natural fruit acids.  Look for products that have been safety and allergy tested, and ones that decrease irritation  Purchase products with a clear return policy (look for a 30-day return  policy), and try any new product on an off-face location first.  With a little caution and planning, adding a new product to your routine can be a positive experience, or at least you can avoid a negative experience like the one my friend had.   

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